Sitemap Generator

The Sitemap Generator tool makes search engine indexing and navigation smoother. Sitemaps Organize the search engine crawling process for your website efficiently and make sure that all the important pages of your website are indexed. Sitemap Generator can help increase the search engine ranking of websites by making the crawling process much more organized especially for websites that have a large number of pages.

What Is a Sitemap?

A Sitemap is a file that has the information about all the pages, videos, images and other files on your site. This information is used by Search Engines to crawl your website efficiently.

Building a sitemap for your website is an essential step in improving its search engine visibility and ensuring that search engines can efficiently crawl and index your content. Let’s discuss in a bit of detail as to how to build a sitemap:

Understand the Types of Sitemaps:

There are two main types of sitemaps: HTML sitemaps for users and XML sitemaps for search engines. HTML sitemaps are typically designed for human visitors and provide a structured overview of the site's content. XML sitemaps, on the other hand, are machine-readable files meant for search engines.

Plan Your Site Structure:

Before creating a sitemap, plan the structure of your website. Identify the main categories, subcategories, and individual pages. This will help you create a logical and organized sitemap.

Create an HTML Sitemap:

For an HTML sitemap, manually create a page that serves as an index or directory of your website's content. Include links to all main sections and important pages. This HTML sitemap can be linked from your website's footer or navigation menu for easy access.

Generate an XML Sitemap:

For an XML sitemap, you can use online tools or plugins if your website is built on a content management system (CMS) like WordPress. If you are manually creating an XML file, make sure that the XML file adheres to the XML sitemap protocol.

Manually Create an XML Sitemap:

If you prefer to create an XML sitemap manually, use a text editor such as Notepad or a code editor. Follow the XML sitemap protocol, which includes specifying the location of each page, setting the priority, and indicating the last modification date.

Include All Important Pages:

Ensure that your sitemap includes all important pages of your website, including main content pages, blog posts, product pages, and any other pages you want search engines to index.

Submit XML Sitemap to Search Engines:

Once you have your XML sitemap ready, submit it to major search engines like Google and Bing through their respective webmaster tools for an efficient indexing of pages.

Regularly Update Your Sitemap:

Keep your sitemap up to date. Whenever you add new content, remove outdated pages, or make significant changes to your site structure, update your sitemap accordingly.

Test Your Sitemap:

Use online tools or the validation features in search engine webmaster tools to test your sitemap for errors. Ensure that the URLs are correctly formatted, and there are no issues preventing search engines from crawling your content.

Include Images and Videos (Optional):

If your website includes images or videos, consider adding image and video tags to your XML sitemap. This provides additional information to search engines about multimedia content.

Check Robots.txt File:

Ensure that your robots.txt file allows search engines to crawl your sitemap. Check for any disallow directives that might block access.

Link HTML Sitemap in Your Footer:

If you've created an HTML sitemap, include a link to it in the footer or navigation menu of your website. This helps users easily navigate through your site.

Use Sitemap Index (For Large Sites):

If your website is large and has multiple XML sitemap files, consider using a sitemap index file to list and organize them. This can make it more manageable for search engines.

To build and maintain a sitemap is a critical aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). It ensures that search engines can effectively crawl and index your website. Regularly update and review your sitemap to keep it aligned with your website's structure and content.

Do You Need a Sitemap?

Generally, your website can be discovered by Search Engines if interlinking is done efficiently. Although sitemaps are especially crucial for large websites yet all websites can benefit from having a sitemap.

What Are the Sitemap Best Practices?

Sitemap best practices are associated with the size limits, sitemap location, and the URLs included in the sitemaps.

  • There is a size limit: The maximum size limit for a sitemap format is 50MB. For all formats, a single sitemap should not exceed 50MB (uncompressed) or contain more than 50,000 URLs. If your sitemap exceeds these limits, it is necessary to divide it into multiple sitemaps. Alternatively, you can create a sitemap index file and submit it to Google. It is also possible to submit multiple sitemaps and sitemap index files to Google. This can be beneficial if you want to monitor the search performance of each individual sitemap in Search Console.

  • File Encoding and Location: The sitemap file must be encoded in UTF-8. While you can host your sitemaps anywhere on your site, it is important to note that unless you submit your sitemap through Search Console, it will only affect the files within its parent directory. Therefore, it is recommended to post your sitemaps at the site root in order to have an impact on all files on the site.

  • URLs: Use a complete URL in your sitemaps. For example, if your site is at, don't write a URL such as /abc.html. Instead write absolute URL:


URLs come under tags. refers to the modification date of the page. shows how frequently the page is edited and tells the importance of the page itself on the website.

If you would like to read more about the important parameters related to sitemaps, check out Google sitemap.